Ukraine and Russia war update

Well let's go to developments inside Ukraine the Ukrainian authorities say Russia fired eight missiles at a city in the south of the country killing three people in a residential building it comes as president Zielinski released CCTV if the moment a rocket exploded in a shopping center in Kremenchuk 18 people were killed in that attack on Monday Mr. Zielinski said that was a deliberate strike designed to kill as As many people as possible Russia denies that it hit the shopping center claiming it had struck a nearby arms depot which ignited the fire our correspondent joe inwood is in Kyiv and has the latest so these denials by Russia have come about ever since the attack that killed at least 18 people at the shopping center in kamanchuk they've said variously that it wasn't them they've said that it was a provocation deliberately done by the Ukrainians and then they said that they were targeting a nearby facility where ammunition was being stored and that that set off a a chain reaction of fire that led to the burning down of the amstel shopping the center well in the last few hours president zielinski's office has released CCTV that shows that none of those excuses are true you can quite clearly see a missile a Russian missile coming in and destroying a shopping center and as I said it's cost many lives it is hard to deny this CCTV footage clearly shows the the missile that struck a shopping center in Kremenchuk in mid-flight compare that to the Russian version of events detonation of stored western weapons and ammunition caused a fire the spokesman says in a nearby non-functioning shopping mall but analysis of the footage by open source investigators have proved.
